Creative morsels and other literary appetizers

It can be a bit of a wait between my novels. That’s why I release fresh content every month.

Readers who support me with a subscription on Patreon get access to a whole lot of material other people don’t see – for as little as $3 CAD per month.

Twitter fiction. Famous book titles with one letter missing. Glimpses behind the scenes. Creative insights. Some of it’s thoughtful. Some of it’s just for fun.

Curious? Here are just a few samples.

A Glimpse Inside Tweet-Sized Tales

Old-School Twitter fiction.

Tiny stories, none longer than 140 characters. Fourteen in total.

Subscribe through Patreon and get a free copy of this special ebook as a welcome gift. Plus, you’ll get a new tiny tale from me every month.

And remember: your subscription goes directly to helping me write more novels.

Famous Book Titles With One Letter Missing


Nothing serious here!

It’s amazing how a single letter missing from a title completely changes the direction of a story.

See what my twisted mind comes up with each month. Plus, see all the titles I’ve mangled over the years.